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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
BRACKISH +stripes & drop 32
BRAND ALLIANCE +stripes 35
BRAND TM +stripes 6, 19
BRANDEUR +stripes 35
BRAUN +drop & stripes 30
BRECKEN PAUL +stripes squar 25
stripes 20
BRENNENSTUHL +stripes 6, 9, 11, 20
BRICKS & BONDS +stripes 37
BRIGHTLITE +stripes 11
BRILLO +arrows & stripes 24
stripes 5
BRM +stripes 35
BROADWAY seconds +stripes 16
BRUDER +stripes 28
BRUT +stripes & squares 44
BRYNN +stripes & circle 9
BSB +stripes & oval 9
BSC +stripes 35
BSL +squares & stripes 6
BTV GROUP +stripes 38
BTW +circles & stripes 1
BUILDERS SERVE +stripes arc 35
BURNS MC DONNELL +stripes 35, 37, 40, 42, 45
BUSINESS BRIO +stripes arro 41
BV +square & stripes 5
C +stripes 6, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 28, 39
C +circle & stripes 5
C +square & stripes 41
C CONVOW +stripes 35
C CRESCENDO +flag & stripes 9
C CYBER POWER +stripes 9
C CYGNET +stripes 9
C SONU pipes +stripes 17
C cotton GLORY +stripes 25
C&D london +stripes & squar 26
C-LAND +stripes 42
CABDAAP +stripes 9
stripes 43
CAFEAFFAIRE +oval & stripes 43
CAGE FOX +fox & stripes 25
CALCILAYER +squares stripes 5
stripes 35
CALL WATCH +stripes & arcs 9, 14, 28
CALYPSO +stripes 6
CAM +stripes 5
CAMPURE +drop & stripes 11
CAMPUS GUIDE +stripes 41
CAMPUS POINT +arrow stripes 16
CAN +man & stripes 25
CANEL'S +stripes 30
CAPE GRADE DECOR +stripes 20
CAPITAL +arcs & stripes 17
CAPITASTAR +arcs & stripes 35
CAPTAIN +stripes 3
CAPTAIN +man & stripes 3
CAPTAIN +sailor & stripes 3
CAR CITY +stripes 35, 38
CARAMEL +stripes 25
CARE KALYPTO +stripes & ova 9, 16
CARE KALYPTO +stripes circl 42
stripes 35
CAREER SERVE +stripes 41
CARIBA cola +circle stripes 32
CARIDIAN BCT +stripes 9
CARMEN +stripes 25
CARMEN ULTIME +stripes 3
CARNATION +flower & stripes 5
CARSUN +flag & stripes 12
CARTI HEAL +stripes 10
CASA ROMANA +stripes square 36
CASHMAX +stripes 36
CASINO PRIME +stripes 8, 16, 21, 24, 25, 29, 30, 32, 43
CAT +triangle & stripes 7, 12
CATALENT +stripes 35
CATHAY pacific +stripes 16
CAVANDERS magnum +stripes 34
CCH +arc & stripes 9, 16, 41, 42
CD +stripes 9
CEAT SPECIALTY +stripes 16
CEBORA +stripes 6, 7, 9
CECI +stripes 14
CEDAR VILLAS +stripes squar 36, 37
CEFARD +man oval & stripes 5
CEFTRIGRAM +stripes 5
CELEB TRACK +stripes 9, 35
CELEST +stripes 1, 5
CELLTONE +circle & stripes 7, 11
CEMIX SNOWCEM +stripes 2
CEMPROVER +stripes 19
CENTREPOINT +stripes 35, 42
CENTURY +man & stripes 25
CENTURY filter +stripes 34
CEPO TOP +stripes 5
CFP +stripes 16, 41
CG GALVA +stripes 6
CHA BA +stripes 43
CHA SHI +stripes 43
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